OpenCart Overview-Review
April 07, 2014
OpenCart allows you to create a shop on the internet which is open source and free.
Will be adding more on the open source shop script, OpenCart. There are a vast many extensions which are both free and premium. Extensions are organized and managed by OpenCart. This allows 3rd party products by OpenCart developers to be sold or offered on the OpenCart site thus allowing OpenCart to be extensible.
July 30, 2014
OpenCart Extension Reviews Coming Soon
Revised: The Image Manager was being impacted by a PHP server issue.
May 29, 2014
OpenCart's Image Manager was being impacted by the PHP server version, this happen after an update. The fix was to toggle to another version than reset to the version before the update. All is good now. The OpenCart community unfortunately was of no help, even though there were several who tried to assist.
Unfortunately the Image Manager is a threat liability to OC
May 18, 2014 by Ron Dorsey
I have reviewed a number of post on problems with the image manager and those with responses demonstrate this module of OC poses a liability to those who was depending on its infrastructure to conduct business.
My personal experience is that if you have constructed folders with subfolder which helps to organize your images/products, then update OC, the database which is built for these folders and subfolders may get corrupt therefore rendering your shop product management, broken. If you have several hundred to several thousands of products, you will have to rebuilt the entire product inventory, which includes: product name, ID, cost, quantity, manufacturer, ratings, description and image. Any comments on the product either by the shop keeper or patrons would have to be recreated. All data relative to the product will have to be reentered.
Unfortunately the problem with this module posses a threat and liability to the OpenCart community and to its future. The impact is so severe, It is no longer a viable shop - e-commerce solution.
Product Review
Topics to cover:
- OpenCart as a multi-vendor solution
- OpenCart integrated with WordPress
See the OpenCart tutorials - tutorials
April 07, 2014
Version 1.5 is currently being reviewed. Overall the product is quick, mature and stable.